Short project description

The Austrian Corona Panel Project is the largest social survey project to cover the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria. To date (Dec. 2021) the panel covers nearly two years of the pandemic fielding 27 survey waves with roughly 1500 respondents each wave. The dataset contains over 1000 variables and is publicly available at the Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA). The project has been featured many times in Austrian media outlets.

I am part of the questionnaire design team responsible for quality control, evaluating the submissions to our call for question modules, and ultimately deciding which questions to field. In addition to that I created an R-markdown file that creates longitudinal summaries of most variables included in the core-questionnaire of the ACPP (link to GIT repository will follow soon). I also authored or co-authored several short “Corona_Blogs”(in German) on a number of different topics (e.g. inequality, tax preferences, home-office,..). These blog-posts and many more from my colleagues are accessible here.

Figure 1 displays one product of these blogs focussing on the change or rather the mesmerizing stability in average welfare state preferences in Austria (refer to the full blog post here)

Welfare state attitudes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Welfare state attitudes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic


Several of my papers use data from the Austrian Corona Panel Project. Here is a short overview click on the links if you are interested:

(2021). The Austrian Corona Panel Project: monitoring individual and societal dynamics amidst the COVID-19 crisis. European Political Science.


Visit the project website @

Fabian Kalleitner
Fabian Kalleitner
Postdoctoral Researcher

My research interests include tax preferences, biased perceptions, fairness attitudes, and work values. To gather insights in these topics I combine theories and insights of sociology, economics, and psychology using various methodological approaches (i.e. panel surveys, multilevel analyses, survey/field/laboratory experiments) and estimation strategies.
